Cadastro rural necessário para reduzir risco de incêndios, alerta Avaliação ambiental da OCDE

Foram apresentadas em 14 de março, as conclusões e recomendações do 4º exame de desempenho ambiental feito pela Organização para a Cooperação e o Desenvolvimento Económico (OCDE) a Portugal.

As 26 recomendações da OCDE devem ser objeto de reflexão e encaradas como um estímulo para que a economia portuguesa possa fazer progressos nos principais indicadores ambientais.

A OCDE alerta que Portugal "enfrenta múltiplas ameaças relacionadas com as alterações climáticas, incluindo a erosão costeira, fenómenos de precipitação intensa e ondas de calor. As secas prejudicam o rendimento agrícola e a produção de energia hidroelétrica, e as florestas estão particularmente expostas ao perigo de incêndios". Segundo o documento, quase 80% da superfície arbórea está exposta a perigo.

Portugal precisa gerir melhor a água e os resíduos, reduzir o apoio aos combustíveis fósseis e proteger a biodiversidade. As recomendações constam da Revisão do Desempenho Ambiental de Portugal da Organização para a Cooperação e o Desenvolvimento Económico (OCDE).

Súmula do documento:

Portugal has a small, service-based economy that grew steadily between 2013 and 2019. The country was strongly hit by the pandemic but has been recovering fast since mid-2021. Yet the pace of the recovery is easing. Although Portugal has few direct trade links with these countries, Russia’s war against Ukraine is driving up energy and food prices.

Over the past decade, Portugal managed to decouple energy consumption and major air pollutant emissions from economic growth. The energy mix has shifted from oil and coal to natural gas and renewables, and air quality generally improved. However, material consumption, municipal waste generation and freshwater abstractions have grown at the same rate or faster than gross domestic product (GDP). Portugal is one of the OECD countries with the highest landfilling rates. The status of habitats and species has deteriorated, and agriculture exerts significant pressures on water bodies.

Portugal has made progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),

Overall, the country increased access to clean energy (SDG 7), and clean water and sanitation (SDG 6). Nevertheless, major challenges remain to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG 12) and protect, restore and promote sustainable use of marine and terrestrial ecosystems (SDGs 14 and 15).

Portugal has stepped up its effort to adapt to climate change

Portugal’s territory faces multiple threats related to climate change, including coastal erosion, heavy precipitation events and extreme heat days. Droughts also undermine agricultural yield and hydropower generation. Forests are particularly exposed to fire danger.

Portugal has strengthened wildfire risk prevention but faces the challenge of improving forest management practices in abandoned rural areas where land ownership is private and fragmented. Completing the land cadastre and extending payments for ecosystem services can help reduce the risks of forest fires.

Assessment and recommendations

The Assessment and Recommendations present the main findings of the OECD Environmental Performance Review of Portugal. They identify 26 recommendations to help the country make further progress towards its environmental objectives and international commitments. The OECD Working Party on Environmental Performance discussed and approved the Assessment and Recommendations at its meeting on 6 December 2022.

  • Portugal has missed most of its 2020 waste targets

  • Progress towards biodiversity targets has been insufficient

  • Agriculture puts significant pressures on water bodies

  • Upgrading environmental infrastructure requires better pricing of services

O ministro do Ambiente e da Ação Climática, Duarte Cordeiro, reconheceu que Portugal tem de "acelerar as políticas ambientais" como o aumento dos níveis de reciclagem e da recolha de biorresíduos, incentivando a economia circular.

Duarte Cordeiro fez estas declarações durante a apresentação da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico (OCDE) da quarta Avaliação de Desempenho Ambiental de Portugal, no Palácio de Valenças, em Sintra, Lisboa.

Data: 14 Mar 2023







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